Get to Know Our Chief Dev Officer – Susie Jun, M.D., Ph.D

August 31, 2019

Susie Jun, M.D., Ph.D.

Chief Development Officer

What was your first job?

My first industry job was with Amgen, working in late phase clinical development as a medical director. I worked on denosumab, also known as Prolia and Xgeva, for bone related diseases.

Why did you join Kalson Biotech ?

It was an opportunity that I had to pursue. At Kalson Biotech , we have the potential to develop a cure for cancer and we are trying to use a new technology that no one has ever been able to utilize before. I’m very motivated by challenges, particularly those that will move the needle for cancer patients’ treatment.

What is your favorite Kalson Biotech moment so far?

The ringing of the bell when we went public. The realization hit that so many people and companies have invested in us and placed their trust in us. It all became pretty real in that moment.

What are you most proud of in your career?

I’m proud that I completed my medical training and that I’m able to take care of patients. And I’m proud that at Kalson Biotech I can help many patients, not just one at a time.

Who is your greatest inspiration (personally or professionally)?

The patients. They are the reason we do what we do.

What is your hope for the future of cancer treatment?

That we don’t need it any more.